“The Deconstruction of Christianity- What It Is – Why It’s Deconstructive and How to Respond”
Book Review – The Deconstructing of Christianity by Alisa Childers & Tim Barnett
In the forward to this new book, Carl Trueman from Grove City College writes, “Apostasy is nothing new. Ever since Paul mentioned in 2 Timothy 4:10 that his erstwhile colleague Demas had fallen in love with the things of this world and abandoned him, the church has been made aware that there are those whose profession of Christianity while often powerfully expressed in the moment, proves weak and transient in the long term. Every generation has its high-profile apostasies. What is new is the cool postmodern terminology that has emerged in the English speaking west for doing so; that of “Deconstructing the faith”.
This is a critically important read if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, adherent to the Word of God and committed to the Church even though it has its faults.
We all know friends, children, and grandchildren who have or are questioning the faith. Questioning the existence of God or authority in the church etc. This is nothing new; what is relatively new is the social platforms that are now available to “feed” the discontent or spread false narratives, etc.
Is it wrong to have or ask deep questions concerning God’s existence or the necessity of the Lord’s Church or the authority and inerrancy of Scripture? Absolutely not!
The authors cite Blaise Pascal, philosopher and mathematician of years ago, “Questions help people come to conclusions on their own, which can lead to changed minds”. He wrote, “People are generally better persuaded by their reason which they themselves discovered than those which have come into the mind of others.” (Page 218)
Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of questioners. There are questioners looking for answers and there are questioners looking for exits. That is, they are looking for reasons to abandon historic Christianity.
Remember the first recorded questioner of God’s goodness? “The serpent said to the woman, ‘Did God actually say?'” Creating just enough doubt and unbelief to the Word of God. The rest is history!
Rosaria Butterfield – “This book is the wake up call that the true church needs.”
John Cooper (Front Man of Skillet) – “If you’ve been confused about what Deconstruction is and Why it’s happening, or if you want to help people who are questioning their faith, then get this book.”
Gregory Koukl, President of Stand to Reason – “If you have loved ones caught in the deconstruction web woven by ‘evangelical’ You Tubers and TikTokers, this book will help you out of the confused tangle.”
“In your hearts, honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.” ~ I Peter 3:15
Pastor Greg