Interview With Worship Leader Patrick Cloonan
Our worship service begins at 10:00 AM on Sundays. Our worship songs consist of a mixture of contemporary and also reflective worship songs, lasting approximately thirty minutes. Our worship director, Patrick Cloonan, prayerfully selects songs that attempt to place the emphasis on the lyrics first, then the beat rhythm. Roman and Brooke Wright also help to lead worship on occasion through hymns and contemplative worship.
We believe worship is a time to express thanksgiving and grateful hearts to God for all He has done for His people. (Ps. 95:1-7, Ps. 96:1-4, Ps. 100:1-4, Col. 3:16-17, Heb. 13:15) For us, worship is more than just singing a song or two and getting on with the service. We believe the scriptures makes it clear that the “Father seeks true worshippers that will worship in spirit and truth.” (Jn. 4:24)
There are plenty of opportunities to help and use your gifts in this area. We welcome you to try out for the worship team or volunteer on the sound board team.
Worship Team Leader: Patrick Cloonan