Mid-Week Table Talk

Join us as we study an Overview of the Old Testament.

Project Hope Outreach

CCC has had the privilege to partner with Project Hope these last several months, providing over 500 lunches and a number of assorted other donations. The 1st and 3rd Monday of each month, lunches are prepared and delivered to Project Hope to be distributed to the homeless. Won't you consider participating in this outreach by donating items that can be used to provide lunches for those in need? The following are items that you can donate on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month:  (You can leave items in the kitchen the Sunday before marked "Project Hope") **bottled water **sandwiches **bags off apples, oranges, pears... **individually bagged snacks such as pretzels, potato chips, crackers.. **individually packaged granola bars, cookies... Please contact Rose Sizler (440-279-3464 or rsizler@aol.com) if interested in participating and/or for more information.

CCC Women’s Book Study

Our CCC Women's Book Study is currently studying Priscilla Shirer's book, "Discerning God's Voice". We will be gathering in lower level of the church.

Project Hope Outreach

CCC has had the privilege to partner with Project Hope these last several months, providing over 500 lunches and a number of assorted other donations. The 1st and 3rd Monday of each month, lunches are prepared and delivered to Project Hope to be distributed to the homeless. Won't you consider participating in this outreach by donating items that can be used to provide lunches for those in need? The following are items that you can donate on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month:  (You can leave items in the kitchen the Sunday before marked "Project Hope") **bottled water **sandwiches **bags off apples, oranges, pears... **individually bagged snacks such as pretzels, potato chips, crackers.. **individually packaged granola bars, cookies... Please contact Rose Sizler (440-279-3464 or rsizler@aol.com) if interested in participating and/or for more information.

CCC Women’s Book Study

We are studying Priscilla Shirer's book, "Discerning God's Voice". We will be gathering in lower level of the church.

Project Hope Outreach

CCC has had the privilege to partner with Project Hope these last several months, providing over 500 lunches and a number of assorted other donations. The 1st and 3rd Monday of each month, lunches are prepared and delivered to Project Hope to be distributed to the homeless. Won't you consider participating in this outreach by donating items that can be used to provide lunches for those in need? The following are items that you can donate on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month:  (You can leave items in the kitchen the Sunday before marked "Project Hope") **bottled water **sandwiches **bags off apples, oranges, pears... **individually bagged snacks such as pretzels, potato chips, crackers.. **individually packaged granola bars, cookies... Please contact Rose Sizler (440-279-3464 or rsizler@aol.com) if interested in participating and/or for more information.