Make Your Own Bed (Little Things That Can Change Your Life and Maybe The World) by Admiral William McRaven

This book is a New York Times Best-Seller!
Admiral McRaven served in the Navy with great distinction. Thirty=seven years as a Navy Seal, he commanded at every level.

This is a summary of his commencement remarks shared with the 2014 Graduates of the University of Texas in Austin.

Admiral McRaven shares 10 Lessons he learned from basic Seal Training that can be of value to you as you move forward in life.
I am going to mention 5 of these lessons that impressed me the most and that will pique your interest!

Lesson #1: Start Making Your Bed
If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. The Seal Trainees would have their beds inspected every morning by their drill instructors.

Lesson #2: If You Want To Change The World, Find Someone To Help You Paddle
During Seal Training, the students were assigned boat crews, consisting of three students on each side of the rubber dingy with the coxswain to guide the boat. You cannot successfully paddle alone! You need the help of others and you cannot change the world alone!

Lesson #3: Measure A Person By The Size of Their Heart, Not The Size of Their Flippers
It was not always the biggest guys or the strongest that finished at the lead. It was the heart and will of the man. Often times it was the smallest Seal students with the biggest hearts!

Lesson #4: If You Want To Change The World – Don’t Back Down From Sharks
The author describes the stage of training in which the trainees are flown down to San Clemente Island, off the coast of San Diego. They must complete a series of long swims, one of which is at night. According to their instructor, the only thing they have to look out for is the great White Sharks! This is a known breeding ground! The instructor assured the young trainees that no student has ever been eaten by a shark -at least not recently!

McRaven writes, “There are a lot of sharks in the world. If you hope to complete the swim, you will have to deal with them.”

Lesson #5: The Seal Training Brass Bell
In Seal Training, there is a brass bell that hangs in the center of the compound for all the students to see. All you have to do to quit is ring the bell!
** Ring the Bell and you no longer have to wake up at 5 AM.
** Ring the Bell and you no longer have to do freezing cold swims.
** Ring the Bell and you no longer have to do the runs, the obstacle course, the physical training.
** Just Ring the Bell!

The instructor told the trainees, “If you quit and ring the bell, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Quitting never makes anything easier.”
Of all the lessons McRaven learned, this one was them most important. Never quit, never ring the bell!

McRaven lists 10 Lessons, which are applicable to most of us no matter how young or old we are, in his #1 New York Times Best Seller.
I highly recommend this great read to learn more about these important 10 Lessons.

I have recently been preaching through Romans Chapters 1-4. The first three chapters can be quite rough and challenging to the reader. I entitled two of my messages “The Roman Road Can Get A Little Rough” and ”Romans Road – Rest Stop”.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” (Romans 1:16) In this verse, the Apostle Paul lays out His gospel of grace (1:16-18). But first, he must show the reader why the Gospel is so necessary. He convincingly shows the reader that the Gentile world has “suppressed” the truth about God by their sinful, idolatrous lives (Romans 1:18-32). But Paul does not stop there! He continues by quoting the Old Testament extensively (Romans Chapter 2; 3:9-18) showing how God’s chosen people, Israel, have also sinned repeatedly throughout history. “Therefore, all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory.” (Romans 3:23)
After Paul calls to the witness stand his star witnesses, Abraham and David (Romans 4:1-6), he begins to show the reader the absolute necessity for faith/righteousness. Abraham first believed God and was declared righteous (Genesis 15:6). Abraham’s works of righteousness did not occur until Genesis 22 when he offered His son Isaac as a sacrifice. Paul establishes the Biblical precedent of faith first with works that follow (see James 2:14-26). What was Paul’s point in developing this story? Romans 5:1-2 explains “Therefore since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ through whom we have gained access by faith into His grace in which we now stand.”
We and the saints of old, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Rahab… have in common that we all are/were sinners that can be reconciled to a holy and sovereign God only by His grace and mercy through faith in Jesus (Romans 3:21-24; Hebrews 11).
What are you standing on? If it is not God’s amazing grace, it is a faulty foundation. (See Ephesians 2:8-9)

Captured & Kept by His Grace,
Pastor Greg

Millions of Americans spent billions of dollars on candy, costumes, and consumable beverages to celebrate a popular holiday last evening. We now call this holiday Halloween. Grown adults spend countless hours decorating their front lawns with ghouls, ghosts, and celebrations of death. By the way, I ate two Kit Kat bars and think most children have fun dressing up appropriately.
Before Americans surrendered to such pagan ideas, Christians would celebrate the lives of faithful saints who died heroic deaths for Christ and the Gospel. I have told the story in times past of the early Christian martyr, Polycarp, who was an early disciple of the Apostle John. During the Roman Empire, soldiers were ordered to arrest Polycarp and bring him to “justice”. The 3rd century historian Eusebius describes what happened. “Polycarp greeted the soldiers and asked for an hour of prayer, ordered a table to be laid for them and invited them to eat as much as they liked.”
Later, Polycarp stood in the Coliseum, which I visited recently . The Governor pressed Polycarp to recant his faith in Christ Jesus before thousands. Polycarp responded, “For eighty-six years I have been Christ’s servant and He has never done me wrong. How can I blaspheme my King who saved me?” As they were preparing to burn him alive, Polycarp offered up prayers of faith and praise. In the following years, believers would gather annually at his grave site remembering his faithful witness unto death! As the years passed, believers began to honor and remember all martyrs for their faith and the Gospel.
As parents, we can choose to celebrate death and horrors of hell or we can teach our children about the real heroes of the faith who died for what they believed. Now that you know – What will you do?

[Excerpts from Chuck Colson’s 2007 message, “Honoring the Witness” are used in this article.]

The Big Three

I don’t know that I am much different in my thought process than most, but my mind and thoughts often work in threes. This may stem from the fact that I played a lot of baseball when I was younger and always hoped for an additional strike instead of just three. It seems to me that in the Scriptures when something is mentioned in threes the Lord is trying to get something across to us! We would be wise to take heed. Let me give a couple of examples from scripture.

First, the Triune nature of the sovereign God! God as the Father, God as the Son and God, the Holy Spirit, three in one. (2 Corinthians 13:14)

A second example of biblical threes is the Apostles teaching on Faith, Hope and Love. (1 Corinthians 13:13; 1 Thessalonians 1:3) No doubt the apostles wanted the church to understand and embrace these big three doctrines in their lives.

A third example worth considering is found in Romans 1:24,26, 28. Three distinct times the Word of Truth mentions that, “God gave them up”! This is an alarming message that should stop us in our tracks if we are doing things that displease God. It is always wise to read a portion of scripture like this in its context, so as to minimize distortion of the text, starting in verse, 18-23 we read that “ the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men…” “God Gave Them Up” may be the most frightening words a human could here. It actually means that the Lord lets them go to do what they want and live with the consequences. He pulls off the restraints! “For the wages of sin is death.”
(Roman 6:23)

Our final example of threes that caught my attention for the first time is found also in (Romans 1:21,28)
1. “They did not honor Him as God.” When we do not live for the Lord but for ourselves and our pleasure, we are no longer honoring God. “You are not your own, for you were bought with a
price. Therefore, glorify God in your bodies”.
(1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
2. “They did not give thanks to Him”. Throughout Scripture it stresses how much the Lord desires His people to be thankful for it counters our natural tendency to complain.
(1 Thessalonians 5:18)
3. “They did not see fit to acknowledge Him.”
Jesus said, ”Everyone who acknowledges me before men, I will acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever denies me before men, I will deny before my Father who is in heaven.”
(Matthew 10:32)

As we ponder upon THE BIG THREE, let us take to heart and put into practice the truths of His Word!

I have been so encouraged by reading and preaching through the Book of Acts this summer. Having just completed chapters 19 and 20, we see the writer Luke detailing the establishment of the Church in Ephesus.

The Apostle Paul having spent the better part of three years teaching and preaching “in public and from house to house anything that was profitable” (20:20). In verses 17-38, the Apostle Paul calls for the elders of this young Church and gives and impassioned farewell address with pleadings, warnings and prayers for his beloved Church (20:20, 24, 28-32).

Yet years later, Jesus Christ, the Risen and Ascended One, sends another personal warning to the Ephesian Church: “I know your works, your toil and patient endurance, and how you cannot bear with those who are evil…I know you are enduring patiently and bearing up for my name sake and you have not grown weary. But I have this against you that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember, therefore, from where you have fallen; repent and do the works you did at first.” (Revelation 2:2-4)

Pretty sobering words from the true Head of the Church. Paul’s third missionary journey (53 AD) to the writing of the Book of Revelation is but a few decades and we see this vibrant, young Church cooling off in its love for God and each other!

As I pondered this fact in my preparations to preach, I sensed through the Spirit of God three key words of protection against the effects of the Ephesians Church. I simply refer to them as the Triple A Protection Plan for the Believer:

Acknowledge Him always! “Trust in the Lord with all my heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways “acknowledge” Him and He will make your path straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Acknowledge that you are a sinner in need of a Savior.

Awareness of His Presence! “I am with you always to the end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:20)
“I will never leave you or forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)
Once you acknowledge His Presence, His promise to “never leave you” will sustain you.”

Abide in Him! “Abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit unless it abides in the vine.” (John 15:4)
We are still responsible to abide in Him through our prayers, reading of His Word and being in fellowship with others.

Though there are no guarantees in this life, I hope that the Triple A Protection Plan can cause you to always remember:
Acknowledge Him
Awareness of His Presence
Abide in Him

Have a great summer and carry with you the Triple A Protection Plan wherever you go!

Pastor Greg

I have been preaching throughout the Book of Acts this year. I can’t help but notice the great emphasis on planting churches, in particular by the Apostle Paul. I find it most helpful to study what the “original” Church looked like so as to better determine whether I want to be part of something that looks and sounds like the original.
During this same time, I concluded reading a book entitled, “The Rise of the Nones” by James Emory White. The author sites numerous research findings depicting myriads of Millennials (ages approximately 18-30) who are saying good-bye to the organized church and religion as they know it. “Nones” are those individuals who declare that they are not affiliated with any religious organization.
I believe some of the reasons are valid and other reasons are excuses for continued uncommitted relationships and non-accountability. Yet the fact that untold numbers are leaving the Catholic Church, in light of recent scandals, revelations of abuse of children and adults, cover ups and dispensing cash settlements and “hush” money, is it any wonder our young people have said, “Enough!”.
Not only has the Catholic Church suffered losses, they are now running a huge marketing campaign to the lost millennials which states, “Come Back. We’ve Changed”. The Protestant Church is also experiencing similar unrest. Mainline denominations and “mega” churches are all feeling the pain.
Millennials are turned off by hypocrisy that they have witnessed in the Church, celebrity status of some leaders, corruption, greed, and abuse unchecked. Many millennials have also said, “Enough” with Protestant Christianity also.
One illustration, of what they are seeing and hearing and sometimes experiencing, is as follows: A recent Mega Church pastor and his wife were purchased a $1.8 million home in North Carolina by the leadership of the church, while the pastor purchased a $200,00 Lamborghini for his wife. He justified his purchase by saying the car was not purchased with church money.

Having grown up in the 60’s and 70’s, I too became disillusioned with organized religion and the Church. I would murmur to myself, “If this is the Church, you can have it!”. My point is that this is not something new that has not occurred before. It was during the 70’s and early 80’s that I witnessed a great move of the Holy Spirit. Some called it the “Jesus Movement”, where thousands of young people came to Christ and experienced a revolution in their relationship with God and His Church. I believe God can do this again, even in the USA!
Just as there are good lawyers and some bad lawyers; good teachers and some very poor teachers in our school systems, so there will be some good, biblical Christ-centered churches with godly pastors and leaders and some bad ones. We must all guard against the mentality that generalizes “ALL” being bad and recognize our own hearts that they may be using that as an excuse to “do as we please” vs. what God has commanded. “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. “(Hebrews 10:24-25)
Recently, my wife heard a pastor speaking on the radio of the necessity of Christ’s Church and how the Church is His idea! He first spoke of God’s design of the ark that He gave to Noah. He talked about how the ark was God’s idea to save His creation and to also sustain them. But the ark “smelled”; it was dirty and uncomfortable sometimes – but it was God’s design just the same! Much like the ark, the Church today can be messy at times, but it is still God’s design while we are here on earth. Let us adjust our expectations of Church! Let us become Participants vs. Spectators!
Pastor Greg

Wife:  Honey, I am going shopping!  I will be back in a couple of hours!

Husband:  What are you shopping for?

Wife:  I am church shopping!

Husband:  Make sure you time the service, worship, and preaching.  If it is over an hour- forget it!

Wife:  I am looking for a new contemporary style building and prefer a younger, more stylish pastor  – one who will make me feel good about myself!

Husband:  Make sure they have some good programs for the kids.  We both need a little break from them!

Wife:  It would really be nice if they have a coffee cafe and Krispy Kreme donuts – that would save us time in the morning!


Almost every month when speaking with individuals visiting CCC, it becomes apparent that they are “shopping around” for a church.  Recently, two couples visiting our church told me that we were their tenth church that they had visited.  Oh boy!  Did that make me feel secure!

I have been so bold, as of late, to ask some of these individuals what is on their shopping list when looking for a church.  I then offer some suggestions that they may want to consider while looking for a church!    Unfortunately, not all churches are the same and not all buildings that have a “church sign” – is one!

The following is a not an exhaustive list to consider when “shopping for a Church but I think it may be helpful.

  1. Do they have and believe their Statement of Faith?
  2. Do they believe that the Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God?  Is the Bible the primary source of preaching or is the preaching story telling?
  3. What is their belief about the God of the Bible?
  4. Do they believe in the deity of Jesus Christ?
  5. Do they teach that salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ alone? (John 14:6; Ephesians 2:8-9)
  6. How do they relate with other believers from other churches? (I Corinthians 12:12-13; I Corinthians 1:10-13)
  7. What do they believe on the critical issues like abortion, marriage?
  8. Is there proper accountability with the leadership of the church; proper stewardship of finances?

This past summer, I spoke extensively on “What We Believe and Why”.  Just like entering a marriage covenant, it is good to know before you say “I do”, to take the time to know beforehand what you are committing to.

I hope this will prove to be helpful to you the next time you are considering  going “church shopping”.

Captured & Kept By His Grace,

Pastor Greg


Gospel Reset – Salvation Made Relevant by Ken Ham


I, for one, am a bit frustrated at the lack of interest in the Gospel in today’s world.  I fully understand we cannot live in past glory days – the days when we would go out to concerts and put tracts on all the cars and hear wonderful stories of conversion after someone picked up a “smiley” tract that said Jesus loves you.  Those days are gone!

We are living in a different day now, still with obvious broken and lost people – but are we reaching them?  Do the same methods work that we used 10-20 years ago?  Tent Revivals? Gospel Sing Night?  Does what works in the Bible Belt necessarily work in Baltimore or Detroit?

Research done by Ken Ham through America’s Research Group is thought-provoking for the Christian who cares about reaching the lost and unchurched.  One of the questions the research group asked in 2015 was, “If you attended church regularly as a child, do you still attend most Sundays or did you stop attending?  Twenty-two percent of the people, in their sixties who were surveyed, attended as a child and have stopped attending church.  For Millennials, that number was over half (53%).  Their research revealed that two-thirds of our young people are leaving the Church in America by the time they reach college age.

Ken Ham writes, “If that exodus trend continues we will end up like England, where only 4-5% of the total population are attending Church”.   I have read this and heard from various speakers that this in fact is the direction America is headed and at a fast pace.  Ken Ham had previously written on this trend in his book, Already Gone.  “The Church in America needs to wake up now and begin by praying, repenting, and returning to our First Love so that we may carry His heart of courage and compassion for the lost and unchurched communities.”

Ken Ham likens Peter’s preaching to the Jews in Acts 2:14-36 to the days when Billy Graham and Billy Sunday would preach to multitudes of Americans – most were church goers and had some morality and basic Bible understanding.  But in today’s culture, it requires Paul’s preaching to the Greeks, an Acts 17 type culture.  Ham suggests that the generation that we must reach with the Gospel has not been raised in the Church!  They are not familiar with Bible stories.  Most have never heard of Jesus unless it has been used in profanity. Most of our young people are being taught from a very early age the Evolutionary Theory within a totally secular worldview.  The vast majority of students attend government schools right up through university.

I do believe that as Christians, we must be willing and able to change our methods as Paul did in Athens – “To the Unknown God. What therefore, you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you.” (Acts 17:23)

Pastor Greg


Loving God
Charles Colson

Chuck Colson, now deceased, was former Council to President Nixon. He was converted to Christ before going to prison for his involvement in the famous Watergate scandal. In the last thirty-three years of his life, Chuck Colson visited and spoke in more than 600 prisons in forty countries. Helping to develop a team of nearly 50,000 volunteers across the country, the ministry of Prison Fellowship still is one of the most effective Christian ministries to prisoners and their families.
Joni Eareckson Tada, President of Joni & Friends, recommends Colson’s book, Loving God, with the following endorsement, “Looking for the complete volume on Christian living? This is it. And the title sums it up. If you desire life deep, rich, and meaningful, then it is simply Loving God.
Some of the topics Colson tackles in this classic are the following: obedience, the Word of God, sin and repentance, hunger for holiness, the Holy Nation, and loving God. The end of the book contains a study guide for personal or group use. In my opinion, this is one of the books that should be read and discussed in small groups and by every serious Christ follower.
Billy Graham, a man who has faithfully served Christ and proclaimed the gospel for decades said this concerning Chuck Colson’s Loving God, “one of the most spiritually satisfying books I have read”.
Why not consider this classic for your 2018 winter reading and then pass it on to another fellow seeker of truth? As someone once said, “readers are your next leaders.”

Captured and Kept by Grace,
Pastor Greg

Mere Christianity
C.S. Lewis

I confess! I have never been a big C.S. Lewis fan. I just never cared for his style of writing but boy was I pleasantly surprised by this classic. It kind of grew on me like learning how to appreciate black coffee after drinking it for years with sugar and that other white stuff!

Mere Christianity is considered by most Christian writers and theologians as one of the most popular introductions to Christian faith. Mere Christianity has sold millions of copies worldwide. In my recent book review on Steve McQueen, this was one of the book’s given to Steve to explore what Christianity was all about.

C.S. Lewis actually broadcasted his original messages over the BBC during WWII. They were later transcribed into book form for readers. I would highly recommend every Believer read Mere Christianity and to give it as a gift to that special someone who may be interested in knowing what Christianity is all about.

Pastor Greg