Welcome to Christ Community Church of Willoughby
Christ Community Church of Willoughby is a non-denominational, Bible believing, Christ honoring Church. Christ Community Church strongly believes that all truth begins with God and Christ. He is the originator and fountain of all truth. It was Jesus who declared to Pilate “Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” (Jn. 18:37)
Read More About Christ Community Church
This is My Story…
Richard Chinchar’s Story…
Zach & Alyssa’s Dwyer’s Story…
Who We Are

Jesus modeled a prayer life for His followers (Mark 1:35). He said, “My house shall be a house of prayer”. We encourage both private and public prayer at CCC.

CCC Table Talk
On the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, we come together for an in-depth Bible study.

Small Groups
At CCC, we value our times of corporate worship as well as the learning and interaction that occurs during our Small Groups. Our Small Groups include Men’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry, and more.

Jesus modeled servant-hood to His Disciples. He also declared that we are to serve rather than “be served”. At CCC, we encourage using our talents for God’s service.